5 Note Investing Strategies to Look at Property Effective note investing strategies to efficiently look at underlying collateral is crucial as a note investor. A note investor that doesn’t have an idea of the current state of a property is investing with one eye closed. The trouble is that many note investors are out-of-state investors […]
NoteVestment Resources
The Right Tools Make Life Easier
You find in life that with the right tool tasks can be accomplished with speed and efficiency. Having the right real estate note investing resources to get the job done can make all the difference from failing to being successful. This is a personal collection of the resources that we at NoteVestment have handpicked. We leverage and apply these resources in our note investing business.
Many of these resources such as business process automation can be applied to all real estate investing fields as well as to any type of business looking to build efficiencies. We hope that you find these resources both helpful and effective in your businesses.
We Welcome Your Contributions and Feedback
Please let us know if there are additional resources that you would recommend to the NoteVestment Community. If they are resources that would make a positive impact on the real estate note investing community, we'll be happy to share them with everyone else.
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5 Note Investing Strategies to Look at Property
Ultimate Guide to Note Investing Due Diligence
Mastering due diligence means purchasing more notes.
Ultimate Guide to Note Investing Due Diligence We’re covering note investing due diligence in Part 2 of The Basics Series. This is The Ultimate Guide to Note Investing Due Diligence, and we aim to please. Not only is this post jam packed with content, but we’re going the extra mile and providing you with advanced […]
Note Investing in Judicial and Non-Judicial Foreclosure States
An awesome interactive map to help you navigate judicial vs. non-judicial foreclosure states.
Note Investing in Judicial and Non-Judicial Foreclosure States When you start note investing in judicial and non-judicial foreclosure states there is a lot of information to take in and feel like you need to retain in order to keep track of how each state works. Like we mentioned in the Ultimate Guide to Note Investing […]
Note Investing in Superior Lien States
This interactive map shows you Superior Lien States and their statutes.
Note Investing in Superior Lien States Note investing in superior lien states needs to be accounted in your due diligence process. Recognizing which states are superior lien states is the first part of that process. While there are many areas throughout the country that do not have Home Owner Associations (HOAs) or Condominium Owner Associations […]
The Zapier Time Machine
Automate the Small Stuff and Focus on Your Business. Why Every Note Investor is Giving Away Money Without Zapier.
Zapier is a Time Machine Yes that is right, Zapier is a time machine, a business automation tool that can be harnessed to save you countless hours, which would otherwise be spent working in your business. These hours can be reinvested to work on your business, not in your business, which means that you’re focusing […]
Recommended Real Estate Note Investing Books
Build a Strong Foundational Knowledge While there is no substitute for real life experiences, and actively working through your first few real estate note investments, you need a certain level of knowledge before jumping into real estate note investing. One of the ways to gain this introductory knowledge is by reading real estate note investing […]